During any cadet's ROTC career, she/he will undoubtedly have to go through the grueling process that is known and loved as Land Nav.
Land Nav(igation) is a good idea in theory. Learning how to read a map and get from point A to B, and from A to any number of check points.
Cadets are issued
a compass
a protractor
and a map of the area being navigated. We have three hours to locate eight points, which are indicated by an alpha-numeric code.
EX: A1
I look forward to Land Nav every year, but for some reason, I just can't get the hang of it. It's easy in THEORY, but in practice. . .not so much.
Today, I tried the same lane twice, and only found two of 8 points total. It's very upsetting, considering this is a big HUGE-mondo part of LDAC.
So, to sum up, I have GOT to get better at Land Nav or I won't do as well as I should at Camp next summer.
Wish me luck, Cadets!
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