Friday, April 2, 2010

Very Blah

So, this week I spent the majority of my nights in a joint budget meeting between the two houses of student government here at school. It's been 14 hours, and we still haven't finalized the budget.

It's been tough, and I actually MISS going to regular Assembly meetings. They're much more relaxed, and the members actually understand Parliamentary Procedure. It's SO horribly funny when Senators say "I'd like to move to vote on previous question." In case you were wondering, that's not a motion. I've decided to get myself a copy of Robert's Rules of Order. It's essential for individuals in all levels of government.

The only downside to the awesome-ness of these meetings is my lack of energy. So much so that I have had to miss PT to get actual sleep. I feel really bad for missing, but I'm not contracted yet, so it's not required. After these proceedings are over, I will be back in the PT "game". I really don't mind waking up at 0445 to run. I always come back feeling ready for the day ahead.

As a contracted cadet (as I will be REALLY soon), I will not be permitted to miss PT. EVER. This is our uniform.

Yes, it's really strict, but it allows for proper movement. It's kind of interesting, but the Army won't allow soldiers to wear PT uniforms (called IPFUs or Individual Physical Fitness Uniform) while they are not at PT. This means that the soldiers who live on base need to go home, shower, change, THEN go and shop etc.

Well, that's all. In short: always nap before beginning budget meetings. They're entertaining, but last a LONG time. And it's obviously a good idea not to miss PT.

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